Tuesday, March 11, 2014

DIY: Drip Chevron Painting

Last September I went to a "artisans retreat" and I watched an LA painter paint the above piece in less than 20 minutes. Her method was to use watered down color and then spray water (using a spray bottle) over the piece immediately following her strokes. 

As inspired as I was, I wanted to use her technique, but modifying it a little. Instead of creating a flat painting (like the one above), I wanted to create one with texture and noticeable color variations. To me, the above piece was very similar to watercoloring instead of painting.... so cue my second attempt with drip-painting. 

First, select your colors. I decided to stray away from my typical color scheme of grey, blue and gold... adding pink, purple, red, green and periwinkle. Then, I mixed one part acrylic gloss and one part water, creating "cake batter" -like consistency.

I decided to paint with a chevron pattern, alternating colors. Apply pressure where you want your drips.

After I finished, I couldn't decide how I should hang the painting: dripping up or dripping down. My instagram followers voted and said that drips upward is too weird... so it drips down, for now ;)